Tranquilizing peace of forest was relieving me from the loads of promises, making me unbound from the world I am strongly chained with. It was promising me basic needs like good food, fresh air and pure water. It was deterring the fact that I was a social animal and was emphasizing I am only peace loving animal. It provides me a homely lap of Mother Nature. And for an aimless, wandering man like me it was more appealing than worldly problems. She never betrays her follower. While the life here is full of infidelity. Everyone here is selfish whose prime aim is to earn money and to satisfy the ego. Here happiness is sometimes defined in insult or failure of other. Though in forest food of one is death of other but sometimes death is more commendable than insult. Death puts end to all pains but insult increases distances between two close friends. Due to this our character has adapted suspiciousness. The sweet squeaking bird overhead was far more pacifying than rock and jazz. All the beautiful scenes are seen in nature, our mother. Mother, which feeds us, and never complains the harm, that we cause of her. Colourful flowers, some rare combination of chilling green colour, a slip of a drop of dew from the tip of flower are the virtues of forest of which we are generally unaware in between the forest of concrete jungle.
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